Gumbo Jubilee
5:00 pm- 10:00 pm
20 th, 2018
Crescent City Boxing Club
3101 Erato St, NOLA
Wa Fuh Hunnuh Do (Gullah)
(How are you doing)
Eh La Bas (Creole)
(Hey over there!)
Gumbo Jubilee
Gumbo Jubilee seeks to celebrate the significance of Gumbo as the dish itself and the word(meaning okra) is most directly connected to West Africa. When people think of gumbo, they generally think of New Orleans, LA. From the Low Country of South Carolina to the Bayous of Louisiana, and even the Caribbean, various styles of gumbo's in a classical one pot cooking technique can be seen across the African diaspora. As much as food is part of the culture, music and art is part of the culture in which we will celebrate. The name also seeks to honor the work that musical contribution that DJ Jubilee provided the world and the work he does in the community. At Gumbo Jubilee, we look to specifically put an emphasis on Louisiana culture, particularly the influences made to New Orleans as the tricentennial is being celebrated with a whole cow barbecue as the back drop. The whole cow barbecue is significant as the pitcooking of an entire cow under the majority direction and execution of Africans American has not been done in the US in probably 100 years.
Experiences hosted to date: The Misconception of SC Barbecue (NOLA w/2015), Gullah and Creole Family Reunion (NOLA), The Feast and Frolic, Jollof to Jambalaya(NOLA), An Evening with Chef Serigne Mbaye(NOLA). Sunday's BBQ Dinner(CHS). We look forward to build upon these signature events to be much more sustainable.
The Cow Roast
Over a 24 hour period, a whole cow will be cooked to provide a unique culinary experience at the Gumbo Jubilee. The motivation behind this event comes from the story that the literature said enslaved Africans were rulers of the roast and barbecue ox was the "sweetest" of meats when cooked over pits. No oral history exists on the actual cooking of cows. The literature states that the earth dugs pits that cook pigs were also used for cows, shoats, lambs, sheep, rabbit. The literature also states the technique to cooking cows resembles the technique of pitcooking hogs that has survived in the Carolinas. The difficulty that is hard to imagine historically, is if they kept the whole cow intact, but for Gumbo Jubilee it will be due extensive engineering and design of a special cooking apparatus.
DJ Jubilee - Bounce Pioneer (New Orleans, LA)
BJ Dennis - Gullah Geechee Chef (Charleston, SC)
Syrena Johnson - Chopped Champion (New Orleans, LA)
Chris Hayes - Smoking Oyster (New Orleans, LA)
Marcus Middleton - Middleton Made Cuisines (Charleston, SC)
Linda Green - Yaka-mein Lady (New Orleans, LA)
Vance Vaucresson -Vaucresson Sausage (New Orleans, LA)
Howard Conyers - Conyers Family BBQ (New Orleans, LA)
Todd Richards - (Atlanta, GA)
Adrian LIpscombe (Lacombe, Wi) & Ey Williams- (Jackson, MS)
Media, Partnerships, and Sponsors
Media, Partnerships, and Sponsors opportunities are available. Details on opportunities will be coming soon.